Paralegal On the Go
We offer support services to Lawyers, Law firms, and Companies for those big cases or your everyday case loads that you might need extra helping hands for. We offer a background check service for employees, potential business partners, and anyone else that you might need to run a check on. We also offer services to the public, but we don't give legal advice. We do however have Lawyers we can refer to anyone that is in need of one. Just hover your pointer over the Home tab at the top to see the drop down menu and pick the tab that best suits your needs and see if we can help you. Also, click on About Us to learn a little about us.
We offer the following services: Answering phones (never miss a call after hours or when you step out of the office), answering emails, monitoring websites, manage your social media pages, manage your calendar, appointment setting, summarizing depositions, drafting procedural motions, e-filing, drafting interrogatories, preparing motions, complaints, briefs and other legal documents. We can perform all types of legal support work for Lawyers, title searches and etc. Whenever extra hands are needed you can contact us an we will offer our service as a 1099 contractor.
To contact us for more information and pricing by email: by phone: 615-943-4948